手紙がすでに送信されました : 21900
差出人: Avery Salamone
作成 : 12-06-2020
送信されます : 12-07-2020
You made it! Congrats Avery, you got through high school. I have no idea what college you're going to but please just at least go to some college, you need to get into a decent, please. I hope you joined some clubs. did well in sports, and got good grades. When you get out of college I hope you found a career path you wanted, maybe medical school? Who knows. Just work hard for yourself so you can be successful. I wonder if you still play lacrosse, let me know. I really nervous about high school currently so hopefully it's not as bad as I think and you did amazing, you probably did your smart. I want to get into a good college I don't mean ivy league but somewhere respectable, please tell me you did that? I hope you kept your friends and made some new ones because that's important. Hopefully, you and Frankie have visited Mackenzie wherever she went to college. Its kind of crazy that next time you'll see this letter you’ll be 18… That's weird. You're a grown-up now so good for you for making it this far. The thing I'm most curious about is what Will, Finn, and Libby will look like in 4 years, any change still looks 8 years old.? I hope you grew a bit and you have good clothes that’d be cool. I hope Mom and Dad are doing well, I hoped you helped them out with your siblings so they're not as stressed. Just make people proud of you I mean I am because you graduated high school! I hope you do good things, stay in touch with family, friends and have fun In college!
Love: Avery Salamone (14)
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