Hey Jordan,
I heard you are doing great in school and still playing your violin! Keep up the good work and stuff! I will be home for Christmas break next week and will be home for almost THREE...
Hey Mockingjay!
Dont tell me you are over this hunger games obsession of mine!
Well, in any case- you'll still be my mockingjay ;)
So, I found this place where I can send my future self letters,...
Dear Future Pari
These days, creating your own website has occupied the lion's share of your head. And I'm so fucking sure that this shit is gonna make a splash, it's just I'm waiting to see...
Sveika ateities, Aiste!!!
Praėjo 8 metai, tikiuosi,kad per šiuos metus pavyko surasti veiklą,darbą, hobį, kuriame save visiškai realizavai. Tikriausiai per tuos metus pakeitei nuomonę...
Mielas Mariau (aš),
rašau tau rugsėjo 15 dieną, niūriais 2011 metais. Už lango - 18 laipsnių šilumos, saulės pro debesis nematyti. Šiuo metu sėdžiu namie, ir, užuot dirbęs,...