Прошло 10 лет, а я тебе в прошлом написал письмецо. Рядом со мной лежит Лизка..., дада, именно Лиза Хамидова)), ты...
Hello epic gamer. If your reading this ninja needs your help but hes probs on his pension. still no gf im guessing haha lol you sad dogg your still lonely and on the street. is the world cucked yet...
Labas, Migle. Tau rašo tavo draugė Urtė 2012 metų rugpjūčio 26 dieną. Liko tik viena vasaros savaitė, o tada vėl mokslo metai ir, kaip bebūtų keista, tau jie paskutiniai. Tikiu, kad...
You, sir, are eligible to receive Social Security benefits provided that you're still alive.
Hey, this is Jackson, you from the back in the day (the teacher didn't put the date on the board so basically yeah), I'm seeing if the paper letter actually works, if it does, that's kind of mad...