Dear Biz,
Hey, it's me! Well, err, you, I guess. ^_^ I hope you're doing well, mostly because it means I'm doing well. I know you're happier in Ohio, even if you miss your Texas family....
Mama ! Čia aš (: tavo vienintelė ir nepakartoama dukra (: Sveikinu Tave su 45 gimtadieniu (: Myliu, bučiuoju (: Linkiu , kad atrodytum taip pat gražiai , kaip 42 :) Nes tiesa, dabar 2012-09-09...
Hi me,
Hope you are well, note to self make sure you prepare for fieldwork 6. Be proactive with clinical notes
Tonight I felt sad that the notes I kept in my phone is gone....??? I don't know what has happened. Has someone accidentally deleted it????
My comfort is that nothing happens to me without a...
Labas Salvija. Tai aš tavo mirtis. Aš matau ką tu dabar darai. Tu lankai studiją gamą. Groji su yamaha. Lankai sporto būrelį Drasūs stiprūs vikrūs. Tave pravardžiuoja draugai, klasiokai...