Dear Future Me,
Though I am too lazy to learn vocabulary by heart, there are some ways to help media like to listen to music which is sung in English. It makes me easy and relaxes to develop a...
Hi Ajay
It's been 7 years since we sent this mail. We are sitting here in the product development lab on the 30th of january in 2018.It's time to meet again. Call me at +917708544836
it's nikki. Now i know this is confusing but let me explain. First off this website is made for you to send a letter to your future self! you send a letter and you put the date on when you...
Labas :) ar vis dar jautiesi tokia pati laiminga kaip ir anksčiau? :) tikiuosi taip :) juk visada mylėjai gyvenimą ir viską,kas jame vyksta :) nepamirk dėkoti už viską,ką turi, Dievui :)...
Dear Stacey,
Whats it like in the future? HAHAHA oh wait im gonna know! Do you still smoke? I hope not, it sucks.Did you manage to get a career? boyfriend or husband? kids?! i cant wait to find...