Labas Greta,
artėja meilės diena, tai sakyk, ar ją praleisi su savo taip ilgai lauktu ir svajotu žmogumi? tikiuosi taip, tad artima ateitis mane labai džiugina. jei ne, tada reik susiimt...
Dear the Intelligent Miss Katrina Faith Wiegand,
By this time next year you will have found yourself in a new and more prosperous situation whether be it with money & job. Right now i am...
yo man, this is you from December 20, 2023. you will be 16,17,18 by the time you get this letter i have a few questions How is the cut going right now it's not going too well but not bad. are you...
Hi Qil happy birthday :)
Udah berapa kado gambar yang lo terima sampai detik ini? Most likely An bakal ngasih unfinished art lagi ya...hahaha. Anaknya emang sibuk banget sih, maklumin aja. Tapi...
Wassup bum,this is you from last year.. You mightve made new friends through bootcamp,or have done something totally different. Either way,I just hope I'm not on the streets. I wouldnt have gotten...