Labas, mano princese :* Nusprendžiau išbandyti savo sėkmę ir parašyti tau iš anksto. Dabar yra '11-09-27. Tikiuosi kai skaitysi šitą laišką, mums seksis viskas taip pat gerai, kaip ir...
Labukas. Kaip gyveni, garbane?
Aš tave myliu ( kaip Gabija myli Liolį).. :D
Sveikinu su gimtadieniu.. Apkabinu ir bučiuoju.
Būk gražutė, auk didutė, mamą pavaduosi.. :D
Erika iš 2012...
Heyya bitch . It is I , the rebel 23 years old me ! How ya doing ya old 30 years old wahmen HAHAHA
You deserve so much happiness and love , don't settle...
Hey Self,
If you are reading this, that means that you are still alive and most likely there are no flying cars yet. Dammit McFly. Currently it is August 15th 2012. You are working as an IT...
to a recent graduate.
i'm sorry you wasted your time on someone whose care and love changed with the phases of the moon. they both came in tides, and sometimes i drowned in how much i cared for...