手紙がすでに送信されました : 21919
差出人: Pao
作成 : 08-11-2016
送信されます : 18-06-2021

Pao. Today is June 16th 2016 3:15am. First of all, you better be out of the house. Ok and start. You were suppose to be in ciudad Juarez getting ready for your visa interview tomorrow, but mom messed up so now you have to wait to get another interview. You are sure it will be in 2 months, but yoou're scared it could take longer. You thought you got rid of the suicidal thoughts but they are slowly coming back. You are currently trying to finish homeschool so you can be ready to go back to faith and graduate with those you love most. Your best friends are Jennifer Alvarez, debanhi Flores, Gloria Lima, Jennifer nava, Navil farias, Sarah treviño, Priscilla Rosas, and Andrea Godoy. Are you still close? If not, call them and hang out. Are they married? At this age (17 in a few days), you swear they will always be your best friends. They were your first best friends.
You also dated Fabian Torres a while back, like 4 years ago. He is dating someone else by the name of Hurricane Patricia ( it's a joke). But at the moment, you wish you were the one with him. Do you still feel that way? Hopefully not. If you do, try to talk to him. If you went to college, you probably studied for tourism. So you would probably be working in some hotel, or as a flight attendant. If you didn't, good Lord, why? You are probably making a living as a manager of a place and living in a small studio In New York. Have you gone to Switzerland? Have you learned French? Have you had sex? He better be worth it. Do you have any tattoos? Girl, I know you do. How many? Are you still vegan? You better be. Are you a raw vegan, though? what do you think about God? Did trump become president? Is my dad still with Isis? Have you paid him back the 300 dollars? Did you ever try to pursue your career of becoming an actress or a model? Please tell me you at least tried. Oh god, are your teeth fixed? Please say yes!!! Is mom with victor? Do you still talk to her? What about tey.... Is she married? Is there a guy in your life? If yes, run! You are not ready!!! You are barely 25!! Travel the world!
Are aspyn and Parker still together? Do they have kids? Did michelle Phan marry tom? Is Lea michelle still with that guy who is most definitely NOT Cory monteith? Do you have a nice body? Please let that be a yes. If not, what are you waiting for? Is grandpa Leo still alive? If yes, go visit him and call him everyday. Did iPhone 10 already come out or is it all about them galaxy's? How is your brother, Jason? Have you visited him in Costa Rica? Is the box still small? Is carlos in the nba? Or the olympics? I hope your monthly income is at least $1000. Are you good at saving money? Do you still wear bras? Hope not. Are you living with Jenny Alvarez? There are probably more questions left, but I'm gonna leave it at that. I hope you are still the big dreams girl. I hope that you will still do anything to reach your goals. I hope you are still humble. I hope you are still alive.
Sincerely, your sixteen, soon to be seventeen in 3 days, year old self
Write another one for your 27 year old self
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