Привет! Сейчас 4 октября 2011, вторник, ты сидишь на работе и тебе скучно. А сейчас , Марина, ты работаешь в...
Nu sveika Ingrida!;D Rašau tau 2011- spalio 28 dieną. Visai pasakyčiau graži, ir šilta diena, nes už lango šildo saulė.;D Tai va jei pameni tais metais buvau 12-okė, nsekėsi ne iš...
Hey dad,
this letter has spent 1 month in the swiss alps as i am writing this on the 16th November 2012, its not really as fun at the ones im going to write for other birthdays for the family as...
wfijefijedifjerwijgijgierjgfierjijfderigh8rhfjdsdk kkkkss.s.adke3rfk,dslfueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehfyyye ww
Hello Future Me,
How's it going? You should probably get a job, as you will be fifteen when you get this, and you should take good care of your girlfriend Grace. I hope you are still with her,...