I know this is gonna be so random but I think I need and I should say it before it's too late. It doesn't matter what you respond but I'd like to tell you that I like you. With all my...
mikael watch video crodi
abhir from past
Laaaaaaaabas, aš Saulenė xi xi taip aš rašau pati sau.:DDDD Tai va dabar aš šneku per skype su Juste ir rašom šitus laiškus.:DDD Tai va dabar mano svajonė yra tapti fotografe arba...
Здарова чувак! Желаю тебе стабильных и серьезных отношений с твоей девчонкой, и чтоб ты .... (тут много плохих...
Dear future me,
Brother your writing yourself an email who knows if you are going to receive it or not but you now will be 32 years old writing this 10 years early I hope you never forget what...