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By using the services of the website www.letter2future.com you acknowledge that you are familiar with the terms and conditions (hereinafter the Rules) of this website www.letter2future.com (hereinafter the Website), accept the Rules and agree to abide by them:

TERMS & CONDITIONS for using www.letter2future.com

Terms & Conditions for using www.letter2future.com (hereinafter the Rules) apply to the Client using the Services provided by www.letter2future.com (hereinafter the Website).



- The Website enables to send e-mails or /and paper mail privately to a recipient specified in the letter form (private message) / or by notifying them publicly (public message), after certain time (1 month up to 10 years) and use the Services provided by the Website.

- On the Website you can send yourself a promise of which you will get a reminder every day by e-mail during the period specified by the Client, and the statistics is provided to the Client on how successful he is in implementing this promise.

Internet website – the Internet website of the Provider www.letter2future.com.

Letter form – the letter form which, when filled according to the methods and procedures specified in the Rules, shall be sent by way, at the date and at the address specified by the Client, or publicised if the Client chooses to publish the message on the Website.

Promise form – a form of promise to yourself which is completed according to the methods and procedures specified in the Rules, and a reminder will be sent about the content of the promise (promised herself) on a daily basis at the specified e-mail during the specified period.

Service provider and his details:

Future Forces SIA

Company number: 40103439754

Address: Gaujas iela 25 k-1-22, Ādaži, Ādažu nov., LV-2164, Latvia, Europe. E-mail: info@letter2future.com

1. Submitting the Letter form/Promise form:

1.1. Willing to use the website services, the Client must complete A letter/ Promise form and enter the details necessary for the provision of the services: the Client’s / Recipient's full name, e-mail and / or mailing address, letter sending method, sending date, and others.

1.2. Letter form confirmation:

1.2.1. After properly completing the Letter form and pressing a button “Next“, all details completed by the Client are displayed on the website window. The Client must verify that the data is correct and correspond to his intentions, and confirm them.

1.2.2. After confirming the correctness of the letter form the Client must press the button “Confirm” thus confirming the letter form. When the form is paid according to the description of paragraph 2 of the Rules (in case of paid services) the form is automatically sent to the Provider. The letter form is considered to be delivered for sending when it is received by the Provider or his authorised person.

1.2.3. The Client can confirm the letter form only when he checks that he is familiar and agrees with these Rules.

1.3. Promise form confirmation:

1.3.1. Making sure with the correctness of information in the Promise form and to confirm the promise form, the Client must press the link “Done” and the form is automatically sent to the Provider. The promise form is considered to be delivered for sending when it is received by the Provider or his authorised person.

1.3.2. By pressing the link “Done” the Client confirms that he is familiar and agrees with the Rules.

1.4. When the Client submits the Letter / Promise form and pays for it according to the procedure of paragraph 2 of the Rules (in case of paid services), the providers system automatically generates the phrase confirming the acceptance of the Letter / Promise form.

1.5. When the Letter / Promise form is automatically sent to the Provider it is not possible to cancel it and / or change the content of the message, except for the e-mail or mailing address of the recipient.

2. Service price and payment terms

2.1. Upon electronically confirming the Letter form on the website, the Client undertakes to pay the price specified in the Letter form for the Services.

2.2. Prices are specified on the Website and in the Letter form in USD and include all taxes.

2.3. The Client pays for the services ordered via payment links (Paypal or VISA/MasterCard/American Express credit card etc), on the Website, that are displayed to the Client before sending the letter page to the Provider.

2.4. The Provider shall not be responsible for:

2.4.1. Actions or omissions of banks, correspondents and other third parties, including the poor functioning of communication lines if that prevents the proper management of Client’s account operations.

2.4.2. Criminal or other unlawful actions of third parties causing damage to the Client, another person authorized by the Client and third parties.

3. Provision of the Services

3.1. The Provider undertakes to provide the audit services to the Client as specified in the correctly filled in and sent Letter / Promise form. If the audit service is paid, the Provider shall provide the Services only when the Client pays in full for the Services ordered in accordance with paragraph 2.

3.2. The Provider undertakes to send the content specified in the Promise form (promise to yourself) at the e-mail address specified in the Promise form, and during the period specified by the Client, and submit statistics how the Client performs in keeping this promise.

3.3. The Provider undertakes to send a letter to the recipient specified in the Letter form, on the date specified in the Letter form by way specified by the client, and according to the discipline the details provided by the Client, or make it public on the Website if the payment is made for the Services specified in the Letter form. A paper letter is printed on A4 white paper with the Provider's logo, with the Client’s text, indicating the date when the letter was written and when it was sent, and placed in a C5 size envelope with the recipient's details provided by the Client. The paper letter is sent through the ordinary mail and (or) courier service providers.

3.4. In all cases it shall be deemed that the Provider has delivered the Services, if at the Client's request, he submits the documents confirming the sending of the Letter/ Promise. Such a request may be submitted no later than in 5 months from the date of sending the Letter/ Promise has been sent. If the request is submitted at a later date, the Provider shall be entitled to reject such a request.

3.5. The Client is entitled to claim damages for the lost paper mail from the mail and (or) courier service provider, which is used by the Provider to send paper letters on behalf of the Client, within the statutory deadlines. In all cases, the mail and (or) courier service provider shall not be liable for non-delivery of paper mail, or other defaults, if the incorrect sender / recipient details are specified, if the recipient refuses to accept the letter, if the recipient has provided his current location, but persons residing at the said address refuse to accept the mail, if the recipient is not found at the given address, and when a message on the parcel is left but the recipient does not agree about the collection, if the recipient has accepted the letter and signed confirming the receipt; if the letter is not received because of the fault of the person authorised by the sender to collect it; if the letter was lost or damaged in the country, which does not provide for the compensation of damages.

3.6. The Provider is exempt from liability for any delay or failure to comply with the terms of the Services and other actions relating to the performance of the Services if such failure is based on force majeure circumstances including fires, floods, explosions, accidents, emergencies, wars or rebellions and other major accidents or similar circumstances. Force majeure circumstances shall also include binding actions of state governments or local authorities or international organizations, and blockades.

4. Privacy policy

4.1. The Letter/ Promise forms confirmed and paid by the Client are automatically sent and stored till the date of sending specified by the Client in the Mount 10 information bank data bases in Switzerland.

4.2. The Provider has the right (but not the obligation) to have access to the contents of the public letter, which the Client, making use of the Service, wishes to publish, and to edit the contents of such public letter, or refuse to publicise such public letter.

4.3. The Client declares that he is aware that by publishing the public letter, he entitles the Provider and / or his partners to use the submitted public letter without a separate permission of the Client and in its sole discretion, including but not limited to sending or uploading, submitting, publishing and using the letter publicly on the Website or other internet webpages. The Client grants the Provider and his partners and affiliated companies all over the world free of charge, unlimited, irrevocable, nonexclusive right to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, adapt, edit, stage or otherwise process the letter, translate, store, and create derivative works from such a public letter, in any form or by any means. Moreover, the Client entitles the Provider to use any material, information, ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques, specified in the public letter for any purpose, including but not limited to commercial purposes, and to develop the production and marketing of commercial products by the use of such information. All rights granted in this section shall be granted to the Client without additional compensation.

4.4. The Provider confirms that he will not edit the contents of the private Letter/ Promise submitted by the Client, however he can recode it or change the format to allow the proper delivery of the Services.

4.5. The Provider has access to the contents of the private Client’s Letter/Promise, to the extent not contrary to the law:

4.5.1. carrying out the direct requests of law-enforcement institutions;

4.5.2. supervising the compliance with the Rules;

4.5.3. considering the grievances or complaints from third parties;

4.5.4. ensuring the rights, property and security of the Website, consumers and the public.

4.6. The Provider certifies that on the moment of the Client's registration and / or completion of the Letter/ Promise form the data will be used solely for the Service purposes. The Provider undertakes to refrain from disclosing without the Client's consent any personal information to third parties other than to his partners who provide the services related with the performance of the Services. In other cases, the Client's personal data may be disclosed only in cases provided for in the legislation.

4.7. The Client acknowledges that he agrees that the contact details provided in the Letter / Promise form are used and / or processed for direct marketing, online marketing purposes.

4.8. The Provider confirms that he aims to use the most advanced technology to protect Client personal data.

5. Responsibility and guarantees of the parties

5.1. The Provider is not responsible for the contents of the sent / publicised Letter/ Promise by the Client, it's comments and texts.

5.2. The Client acknowledges that he is aware that he is responsible for the contents of the sent / publicised Letter/ Promise sent. If you see that the posted Letter/ Promise violates your rights or these Rules, please report it via e-mail info@letter2future.com.

5.3. The Client acknowledges that he has the right to use the Services on the Website.

5.4. The Client assumes full responsibility for the incorrect or inaccurate information provided during the registration and / or ordering, including but not limited to the information identifying the Client and / or the Recipient, contacts, and other.

5.5. The Client acknowledges that on the moment of registration or submission of the Letter / Promise he has provided correct identification information. If false, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete details were provided during the registration, the Provider shall have the right to immediately cancel the registration and remove the details of such Client or restrict the Client access to the Services.

5.6. If the Client fails to comply with these Rules or in case of other actions / omissions by the Client which are considered illegal, the Provider shall have the right to immediately cancel the Client's registration and / or remove the Client's data and / or restrict the Client access to ordering the Services, and remove the Client’s Letters / Promises.

5.7. The Client undertakes to ensure that the information and details provided by him during the use of the Services including the details in the Letter/ Promise form and the contents of the Letter/ Promise shall be:

5.7.1. not misleading or inaccurate;

5.7.2. without prejudice to third party property or personal rights (including rights to intellectual property);

5.7.3. not contrary to public policy or good morals;

5.7.4. do not contain viruses or other computer programs or files, which can disrupt the normal operation of the Website and / or the Services, can be placed on the Clients computers thus causing damage to the Client or his property, interfere with Client's use of the Website, the Services and the Client's computer;

5.8. The Client acknowledges that he is aware that while using the Service he is not allowed to:

5.8.1. send, transmit or publish the content that is unlawful, misleading, malicious, threatening, contrary to public morality, offensive, defamatory, otherwise degrading the honour and dignity of persons, in violation of copyright, industrial property rights, promoting violence or ethnic, racial, religious, social, gender discrimination or hatred, which distributes, promotes or advertises pornography and other illegal activities, or is otherwise contrary to the law.

5.8.2. present himself as another person or organization without the right to do so;

5.8.3. send or otherwise publish data that can be classified as unsolicited advertising, mass advertising, junk mail, spam, chain letters;

5.8.4. send, post, transmit or otherwise publicize the content in violation of patents, registered trademarks, copyrights;

5.8.5. impede the provision of other services related to the Website, interfere with their activities or to disobey the service requirements, procedures and rules;

5.8.6. interfere with other service users, collect and store their personal information or use it for commercial purposes, preventing such access to third parties.

5.9. The Letter / promise, which contents are contradictory to the Rules or laws may be deleted irreversibly.

6. Final provisions

6.1. The Provider shall be entitled to amend or supplement the Rules and the Service fees in its sole discretion at any time without notice.

6.2. All notices, except for the special cases provided for in the Rules, must be submitted to the Provider by e-mail info@letter2future.com. The Rules are enforced and all communications between the Client and the Provider is conducted in English.

6.3. The Rules are governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

6.4. All disagreements between the Provider and the Client regarding the implementation of these Rules shall be settled by negotiation. Failing to settle the dispute through negotiation, the dispute will be finally resolved according to the procedure specified in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, at the Vilnius First District Court.
