Sveikinu su gimimo diena! Tikiuosi tavo ambicijos tokios pat aštrios ir nepamiršai savo tikslo :) Ir negadini niekam gyvenimo :D ir džiaugiesi būdama tuo ,kas esi, nes tai geriausia,...
Your a fucking eyesore.
Jingle all the way.
How may Christmasses has it been now...? and how many since you've really been yourself? Make that answer '0' please.
Keep warm. Hot drinks, woolies, winter-y (but not...
I need to believe in myself, I can do this. Believe in yourself, - anything is possibles
Hello epic gamer. If your reading this ninja needs your help but hes probs on his pension. still no gf im guessing haha lol you sad dogg your still lonely and on the street. is the world cucked yet...