Hallo ik. Dit ben ik dus op veertien jarige leeftijd, in klas twee zittende met goede vrienden en gelukkige ik. One Direction is echt veelste sexy, Regina en ik zijn helemaal fan van hun! ze...

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Labas, brangi mano neįkainojama vertybe, Sveikinu su gimtadieniu tšk Apkabinu tšk Myliu tšk Bučiuoju tšk Tavo įkainota vertybė tšk

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Hi nikki, im sending you a letter. I'm 15 right now and its CHRISTMAS. I set the date for this letter to be delivered to you on December 25th, 2014. You'll be about 17 and close to graduating at...

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Dear me.... In the future I will be rich, I will have a black lamborghini, I will work as a banker and I will have a beautiful and very good husband. I will leave in a big house on three flats....

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Friday, August 10, 2012 If this letter to the future thing worked right, tomorrow is your 26th birthday. For me it's 2:30 in the morning and I am a bit delusional and don't know what to do this...

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