Sveikas, ateities aš :)
Su 29-uoju gimtadieniu!
Šį laišką parašei 2011.09.30 po VDU Open Party BlackPearle, nes buvai gan pachmelingas ir neturėjai ką veikt laukdamas darbo.
Dear Jesse,
It's me from the past in Mrs. Olivas' religion class writing to you about your future. First, I have many questions. Are you going into college? Did we make it to broadcasting?...
Remember to not get distracted by the question, focus on what is not said as that is usually what is wrong with the problem. Focus on results not the different ways to get to a result.
Dear Future Me,
I can't believe you're already 15...I still remember when you were seven, with your erratic tantrums and (incredibly) round face...
15 is a magical year. Did everything go well?...
Hi me,
Hope you are well, note to self make sure you prepare for fieldwork 6. Be proactive with clinical notes