Hey you, happy birthday. I know you probably forgot you wrote this letter, hopefully so it will be a nice surprise haha. Well I just wanted to remind you to never give up on your dreams. You're...

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Ok, yo calculo que para esta altura ya habrán renovado el contrato, llevaran viviendo unos 6 meses juntos, es hora de evaluar... Como lo vienen llevando? Como es la convivencia? Son felices? Se...

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Labas, brangioji! Visų pirma tai esu dėkinga tau, kad radai šį tinklalapį, kuris gamina tokius stebuklus :) Tikiuosi šiandien tavo gimtadienis, nes mano tikslas, kad laišką gautum būtent...

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Dear future me, My favorite part of sixth grade was playing sports.I played softball and soccer and I really enjoyed softball and I really got along with the people on the soccer team except one...

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It would appear as though you have found a way to manipulate the time and space continuum and make both yourself and your future self meet.Or since you're reading this in 2021 it's yourself and...

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