Hi. This is weird. Like always. Saulė. Šalta. Spalvos. Pilka. Muzika. Nostalgija. Nuovargis. Annoyence. Pain. Emptyness. Klausimas. I'm so unsure. I want to do things right. They don't work. 5...
Labas, Skaistošenko! :*
Ehh, praėjo keturi metai, kai atėjom į gimnaziją. Kadangi tu jį skaitai 2015 m. birželio 1-ąją, net nežinau, ar mes vis dar geriausios draugės, kokios buvome, o...
Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best.
Everyone's love is...
Hi Resti,
5 years from ago, you are working at DSSC tech. and you received the attached message. The stupid son of your boss. plus currently your son is at the hospital with fever and bacterial...
Hi ich bin du, der gerade 18 geworden ist und total faul ist und schafft hoffentlich sein Abitur. Ich hoffe du bist jetzt vielleicht schon verheiratet und hast vielleicht schon Kinder. Falls du...