Labas ,aukseli. Šiandien yra antroji diena ,kaip tau septyniolika metų .Idomu ,ar tavo gyvenimas labai pasikeitė per penkis mėnesius; kaip tau sekasi naujojoje mokykloje ;ar turi antrąją...
Ciao Riccardo del futuro.
Mi spieghi che è successo dal 2018 al 2020? Grazie.
Dear Alexa,
Right now we have a fairly optimistic outlook on life and I hope that hasn’t changed. The only thing we are afraid of is social interactions. Which basically means that...
Hey me,
Happy 26th birthday!
Have you moved out? Have you achieved everything you wanted? Have you finally bought that computer you wanted? Or that phone?
This is me, the 24 year old you...
froom lycée sud médoc
to myself
Hello, I wish to go Londre, Spain and Maroc. I hope to...