Mama ! Čia aš (: tavo vienintelė ir nepakartoama dukra (: Sveikinu Tave su 45 gimtadieniu (: Myliu, bučiuoju (: Linkiu , kad atrodytum taip pat gražiai , kaip 42 :) Nes tiesa, dabar 2012-09-09...
Miela Dovile,
rašau tau, kai už lango pučia Šiaurys, o snaigės taip užgulė langus, kad net šviesa vos pro stiklus prasiskverbia. Šiandien turiu ypač daug darbo, dovanų begalės, kaip...
I want to be an engineer,i want to get good grades in all the subject i want to read more than 20 books
Dear future me,
Hi! By now you have graduated high school, and have probably learned how to drive and taken some classes in aeronautical engineering/flying. This year was the first year in...
Dear FutureMe,
Sami went to another school starting this year, Leaving me kinda alone. I do have friends, but they're just not the same. I don't know who to hang around at recess, I've just been...