Dear Oren
Hey it's me Oren. I hope that I get my dream job. I also want my dream job still to be an accountant. I hope life will be easy. I hope that I will still be living in 1818 Montague Rd....
Labas ,Guodele :)Patys didžiausi sveikinimai,Tau nuo taves tavo gimtadienio proga!!rašau Tau 2013.07.18. na ir žinai,šiandien tavo gyvenimas tobulas. Tu turi viską,apie ką kiti gali tik...
Hello Nanda,
I hope this message has found it’s way to you.
It's been a year since you asked me to be yours. I hope we are still together until today, so we can celebrate our first...
Dear FutureMe,
Hey dude. It's 2028 right?
Wow man hope things are going well, here in 2018 you're living in Kirkcaldy with Angie. About to finish your BA and hoping to get a good job.
E ai cara, preparado para as férias? Hoje é dia 23 e espero que os OKR`s tenham sido cumpridos :) O que pode dar ruim?
- Não levantar a mão quando algo está dando errado.
- Demorar a reagir....