Dear future me,
how are you?I hope you are happy with your family.
Have you found your passion?I mean your education that you interested in your future?I think now you are study about...
Dear FutureMe,
How are you? How's your life?
Have you found your passion, your strength, a hobby that you love? I believe that you're now.
What are you doing now? I mean what's your job...
Ping Her. It's 2025 :) Yippeeee!! I'm gonna have long conversation today :D
Sveiki Tėveliai,
Jei gavot šį laišką, tai reiškias laiškas į ateitį puikiai suveikė. Taip taip taip aš rašau būtent iš praeities. Nesi jaudinkit, su laiko mašina į praeitį...