Sveikinu su gimtadieniu!!! Linkiu daug dovanų, daug laimės, džiaugsmo ir sveikatos! Pasižadu taupyt pinigus, o ne praleist viską maisto parduotuvėse... Klausyt tėvų ir būt stipresnei (o ne...

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Labas, malonu gyventi gyvenima kuris tesiasi taip skemingai ir paprastai.

Skaityti visą laišką

Dear FutureMe, It seems like I have decided July to be the month of letters to the future creation I'll become. Last year I sent the letter on July 16 and today is July 15 formally, but the world...

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Dear Travious Hinton it,s 8:54 You sitting at a computer while espn is on TV. So i wonder where you are now, Are In Columbus I hope you are alive and doing well. You know God is good how many...

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Dear FutureMe, HALOOOOOO my older self :)) It's a letter from a few year ago. My self is developing and will always develop to become the better me. Right now, I am at my 3rd year in IF ITB and I...

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