Hey Tino, whats up? You still a faggot? LOLOILOL Anyway do you still play minecraft in the future? Probably not but hey, who the fuck cares? If you date Haliey Strecker please tell me you bang her....

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Sveikas, Šiandien tavo gimtadienis ar ne? Sveikinu ir sėkmės!!! (Aš)

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Dear Shant, Hello this letter is for Shant from the past version of Shant. I am writing this in hopes that I will one day become successful, and that I can be able to look back and see how...

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My Dopey, You probably won't see this but I'll just try. Can you still remember that night? You ask me questions but I can't answer any of them. I'm there but you can't see me. I'm...

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Sveika. Pirmiausia, sveikinu su gimtadieniu. Tikiuosi, kad esi laiminga, pasiekusi visus užsibrėžtus tikslus. Viliuosi, kad likai geru žmogumi, neišdavei savęs, savo principų, kitų...

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