everyone always say that they are fine, but actually they aren't

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Hi there! It’s me! Wait- no it’s you? Anyways, how are you doing? Hopefully you’re doing good, I hope you guys aren’t in quarantine still. Do you have a car yet? I hope you do, the s14 is...

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Labas, leliukai. Dirbam sukvaišę. Su Pūke drauge. Beigi atskirai. Trankosi elektra pūkuotoji :) Ir panašu, kad pabaigsim nesamones kokia trečią nakties :) O paskui nieko neįvyks :D...

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Hey Aidan. It's yourself. Trust in your ability to accomplish anything and everything. You can change the world and you will. Believe in yourself.

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Hi baby girl, This is your past self on the 12.06.16 sending you an email. So currently; you are living across from harbour town on the Gold Coast, you've been working at Sheridan since feburary,...

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