labas cia ateities laiskas lol :D krc rasau 2013-10-20 diena na nezinau ka pasakyti :D Sekmes ir toliau

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hi gaurav, this is to yourself from 19-07-2016 .you have just completed graduation and about to enter law don't have any idea where yoy will end up in are currently...

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Dear future me, I'm writing this letter to say hi :) it's been a long year since I wrote this letter for you (January 6, 2016). I hope and I pray that you become what you want to be....

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Hi this is you from the past. I wrote this on 21/07/2012 at around 7:10. This is the first day of Ramadhan. I hope by now you have your life in order and are on your way to go to Otago university!...

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I doubt that we will still be at this address in 2020, but Codi. I hope that you somehow see this, be it we are somehow still together, or somehow apart. I hope to marry you in the near future once...

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