Dear Future me, Hello kakatapos mo lang basahin aot manga grabe anganda. grabe din iyak mo kay hange haup kah. PERO OK LANG FAV MO NAMAN YON GRABE OBSESSION MO SAKANYA TAS SA AOT....

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Labas! Rašau tau iš praeities! Dabar pas mane 2012 metų rugpjūčio mėnuo! O šis laiškas turėjo būti išsiųstas 2014-03-20. Taigi sveikinu tave su artėjančiu gimtadieniu! O rašiau tau...

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remember this.. Old Friend, “How do I love? And how do I want to be loved back?” I was asked that question but I was not able to give my answer. I was totally astounded by what...

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I doubt that we will still be at this address in 2020, but Codi. I hope that you somehow see this, be it we are somehow still together, or somehow apart. I hope to marry you in the near future once...

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Dear FutureMe, so I hope you did something in your life. You should have completed your college by now. I am really corious which one you choose. Did you follow my advice about the big fish in the...

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