Hai alv. this is your past self. How are you? Had you relapsed or are you already good? I hope you are still in uni and havent dropped out yet. I know things sometimes gets hard, memories sometimes...

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Dear me Whats up! By the time you read this you will have grown to be more mature and have a face that is hopefully acne free. I'm really not good with letters, or technically we're not good at...

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Hello future me. I really hope by the time you receive this that you would have made something of yourself. If not, this is a stern reminder to get off your lazy fucking ass and got get it bro....

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Hola Sara del futuro, soy yo, Carlos, quien te escribe del pasado. :) (16/12/21) Quise escribir esta carta para desearte el mejor viaje, un gran viaje al futuro a través de la vida desde lo...

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Labas. Žinau jog aš esu tu, tu esi aš, bet tai koks skirtumas. Šiandien katė buvo pas veterinare (2015-01-16) (19:40). Tai va nežinau ka rasyti, bet mano iPade nėra visu Lietuvišlu raidžiu...

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