Hey you. Happy birthday btw ur 17 years old smh ur old. Today is May 18th, 2020 and you passed your chem exam woohoo I hope you know how to drive or at least have your license by then. Also, have...

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Hi Yingying! This is yourself from November of 2012. I'm currently still in Hong Kong on exchange and enjoying life. The future is still so uncertain for me right now. I'm constantly worrying...

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Сейчас я все какашки съем мммм какашечки мммм пуки каки пуки каки

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-Dear Andini Arfiani, my future me in 2021- Hey Andini! Apa kabar? Eh terlalu baku gak sih? Soalnya kan kamu tipe yang ketikannya rada alay tapi asik

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DEAR FUTURE MOI My first response at writing a “dear future me” letter would be to ask you a bunch of questions but since the answer will never in no possible form return back to the past and...

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