Labas - tau 55!
Dar vis karatiniesi?
Buciuok zmona ir vaikus.
Rasyk laiska sesiasdesimtmeciui
Hello, Daniel
Did things go the way you planned?
Are you happy with how things are?
Do you want things to continue this way?
If the answer to all of these are no, then remember that you...
if i could only go back to those days.. i would
Привет. Не думаю, что это письмо дойдёт до тебя, но... сейчас 28 декабря, 2022 год 2:58 (на момент того, когда я...
Hey you,
When I was writing this letter, you just started your first day of the Day Zero project. You were very excited and motivated. The first thing you decided to cross off your list was to...