Laaaaaaaabas, aš Saulenė xi xi taip aš rašau pati sau.:DDDD Tai va dabar aš šneku per skype su Juste ir rašom šitus laiškus.:DDD Tai va dabar mano svajonė yra tapti fotografe arba...
Hi Guy,
You\'re awesome dude.
Check out that weird forward slash between the \"You\" and \"\'re\" above.
That\'s really weird. Someone should fix that.
Hey future self, you're at the peak of your life and you're just about to start college!! I hope when you open this message, you are in a good standing and at an exciting point in your life. You...
Hi Old Fella
Merry Christmas. You sent this to yourself on November 26th 2013, bet you don\'t remember. You booked your flight to Adelaide to Dad\'s today. It was a good year with the crab races,...
Ciao Gloria del futuro, ti scrivo dal passato, precisamente l’8 dicembre 2020. come vanno le cose? spero bene e sono curiosa di sapere cosa mi riserva il futuro, ma non è ancora il momento...