Hi Ed,
You are writing this from China in 2012, the British Olympics are about to start. I hope that you have done some of the things that you wanted to do. You better be playing the guitar well...
Šiandien 2012/09/02 15:44. Rytoj jau į mokyklą, man 15, bet kai gausiu šį laišką man bus sukakus jau 18! Nes šiandien vasario 18- mano gimtadienis! Tikriausiai dar keletą savaičių...
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AjW^X2Q6=t?rKMAwgL-YsS9hcwbdiXD1xPbGse ffxJDn9aIL-abHEzNb-G3Mi&*c+0CJJG&6r!89ZyRwx5ZCkmmK cgGmm5++oY=c1NCfXge&&BHf!w%E+U^=DopNFJ&m1UjOTWpSDy...
Happy Birthday ???????????? Forgot to add this part in the previous email. Ooopsies
You really should not have given me your email????????