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My Dopey, You probably won't see this but I'll just try. Can you still remember that night? You ask me questions but I can't answer any of them. I'm there but you can't see me. I'm...

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Querido yo!!!! Yussef Espero que en este tiempo que paso ya hayas cumplido la mayoria de tus objetivos, seas feliz y tengas una vida sana y prospera! Recuerda que debes de dejar de estar...

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Dear Chase, Ya big goof! Why you gotta be famous already? I'm writing this from work at Arena, remember when you used to work there? Psh, that's old news! Love you! Hope you got a hot girlfriend...

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Do we have the fucking robots?

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Sveikas! Turbūt jau esi neblogai prakalęs PS ir AE. Įdomų kokia versija jau pas jus ten sukurta :D Aš tai va, sėdžiu, dešimtoje klasėje. Mokausi gitaros, Bacho "Menueto" ir "Romanso"....

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