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Dear future Ron, I am writing you this letter because despite this depression, I have hope. I have hope that things will get better, and I have hope that you are an overall better person than I...

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Labas Inga, Siandien mano, tavo, sirdele dziaugiasi iki padebesiu!!!!!!! Laimejau 2vieta maziuciame foto konkurse, bet tai ne ta priezastis. Mums tiesiog gera but Kreves bute, vienom, su mumis!...

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Hey me, Happy 26th birthday! Have you moved out? Have you achieved everything you wanted? Have you finally bought that computer you wanted? Or that phone? This is me, the 24 year old you...

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Ciao Ricky, Come stai piccolo mio? Spero avrai ancora questo indirizzo quando ti arriverà questa e-mail, altrimenti si perderà nel vuoto. Ti sto scrivendo dal lontano 15 Maggio 2018, sono...

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