Hello future Bella!
This is only 2 years ahead but I assume you're going to be a completely different person honestly. There is so much that is bound to change and it exciting to think about. So...
Dear future self,
By now should already be on the path to getting into Full Sail University and becoming one of the most revelotionary game designers the world has ever seen. You will also be...
Atejo tavo valanda...Tau laikas mirti...
Nusisypsok cia buvo pokstas :D Jei tu ji dar prisimeni :D kuri parasei 2013-04-04
Labas Agne,rašau tau iš 2012 metų.Ar daug pasikeitė tavo gyvenime? Ką atradai ir ką suradai?Nesigailėk tai ko jau negali pakeisti,vertink tai ką dabar turi šalia.Tiesiog prisimink save...