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Dear Future Me, I can't believe you're already 15...I still remember when you were seven, with your erratic tantrums and (incredibly) round face... 15 is a magical year. Did everything go well?...

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Labas, Ieva po 10 metų ;D Rašau tau iš 2011, tikiuosi laikaisi puikiai ir šypsaisi skaitydama šį laišką ;D Beje, su gmtadieniuuu!!! Niekad nepamiršk koks gražus pasaulis ir kiek gerų...

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Labas,Aiste, O gal nereikia tarti labas sau? Nustebai tiesa? Kvaila, kad nežinau ką rašyti. Skaitau kitų laiškus, bet jie tokie naivūs. Naivūs? Gal geriau beprasmiai. Na šį laišką...

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Hey Makikou, It's a strange adventure. I just hope that you are doing great, finally found the real you, found happiness, decided what you really want and maybe even met an amazing girl (because...

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Dear me Whats up! By the time you read this you will have grown to be more mature and have a face that is hopefully acne free. I'm really not good with letters, or technically we're not good at...

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