Dear me
Are you still sad about Light's death in Death Note, if you arent i'm sure you are now that i reminded you. He died on a staircase like why!!!!!!!! So sad... Anyways is mrs.Smyrnios...
Dear Kilian's futur:
I wrote this letter when I was fifteen years old, on monday,October,16th; when I'm twenty-five years old!
I studiy in Sud Médoc high school, I'am fifteen yeras old, I...
Beginilah awal mulanya,
Aku ingin engkau mengetahui permulaan dari kisah ini. Tidak semata-mata karena aku ingin kau memahami perasaan buncahku saat ini, tetapi karena aku sendiri pun ingin...
Hi Swetha,
I really hope you still remember me. You're graduating right? Oh by the way, I'm Naimisha. Your best friend who graduated last year well in 2017 not 2014. I'm writing a letter and right...
Ahoj broučku,
Moc mě to všechno teď mezi námi mrzí. Netuším, jak dlouho mi bude trvat, než se dám dohromady a nepočítám s tím, že se mnou budeš natolik trpělivý, že to ustojíme...