Милая, на свой день рождения-одень корону или диадему. Ты будешь прекрасна!
Люблю тебя!
Алина 6 мая 2014 года...
Think back to freshman year and I hope you are happier now. Remember that there are those few people who care about you.
Dear Jacob,
Your 21, Happy Birthday! You have gone through so much in you youth. Wow, I'm starting to sound old when im young. But, honestly your three months of hell, your annoying father,...
Labas, Skaistošenko! :*
Ehh, praėjo keturi metai, kai atėjom į gimnaziją. Kadangi tu jį skaitai 2015 m. birželio 1-ąją, net nežinau, ar mes vis dar geriausios draugės, kokios buvome, o...
Dear Nike,
First of all... Happy 18th Birthday! You are now 18 and in sixth form! Today I first received a letter from the old you. It was written on 23-12-2012 and most of the stuff is kind of...