Labas Paula,
Tau rašo... ta pati Paulina. Norėjau pasveikinti su... 19 - tuoju gimtadieniu!!! Būk kuo laimingesnė, linksmesnė ir nutrūktgalviškesnė. Kaip sakant \\\\\\\"Juk YOLO\\\\\\\"....
Dear future self,
I am 13 years old and it is the second week of school. I sit next to this kid named Trini. Today is the the first day of basketball tryouts.
This quarter i would...
Labas, Reda!
Pasiilgau tavęs..tos, kuri buvo laiminga ir džiaugėsi gyvenimu. Su kuria per lietų valgiau avietes, gėriau karštą vyną, laikiau savam glėby. Praeitis. Žinau, kad pats...
I hope you've stepped beyond mediocrity.
Can you swim the 50m free under 35s? Push yourself, & go for under 30.
How were your GCSEs? You should get your results soon, right. I'm expecting an A+...
Dear Kayli,
YOU MADE IT! You are finally off to college, well let this just be a reminder to you to live your dream and be happy. Don't forget what makes you happy in life, and strive to achieve...