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Juste, Sveikinu tave su 15- uoju gimtadieiu. Dabar tu tikrai didelė mergaitė. Linkiu tau nerealiai gerai atšvėst, taip kad atsimintum, gaut daug dovanų, ir daug bernų....

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dear myself you are about to make a huge step. you are going to take the eog. the biggest test in middle school. here's some to remember about your class Brandon- is a idiot along with his...

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Hello My Future, Dear future me. I would like to become artiste desinger. I plan on living in Monaco. When i grow up, I think i will own have a house. I like advice for a school and a advice...

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Dear FutureMe, Writing as I sit at a couch in a tiny apartment of an amazing city of Singapore. Another leap year and another leap today. Go out tonight and drink champagne. Just. Just do it...

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