Ciao Chri. Apri il primo cassetto e guarda nell'angolo in basso a sx. dovrebbe esserci la busta che hai scritto 5 anni fa. Leggila e risponditi!!
Buon tutto, un bacio dal 2024 <3
Christian L....
Proud of you!
To k3
Yo! It's 20th of April already.. so
...uh yeah.. happy birthday. So you're 16 right now? Owwww such an old woman!!
Haha. Simply, i hope all of your positive wishes...
Dear future me,
I was writing more than usual today and had uncommon thoughts coming to me like running horses. I was not especially happy but just full of emotions, I had plans for the future...
Labas aš Geistė man 8 metai. Mano mėgstamiausia spalva balta. Aš veriu auskarus ir sveikinu su gimtadieniu ;)))
Man labai patinka : Visi gyvūnėliai. Mano mėgstamiausia dainininkė : Katy...