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Sveikas, zuikeli :P Spėk kas tau rašo :DDD O gi vanagas :DD, tavo brangi kambariokė. Ką dabar veiki :D? Visgi praėjo mėnuo nuo tada kai tau rašiau :* Dabar mums yra atostogos ir tu esi...

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Dear old old old old Kassidy, so you're about to graduate high school and i see you've already became supes rich. I know you are probably supes busy with you're...

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Dear FutureMe, YOU ARE TWO-ZERO! TWENTY! WOW! Now. You need to hangouts chat Isaac Perkins, (his email is Remind him that at 20 you were gonna buy Twenty One Pilots...

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Dear Ricardo, Kind regards, I am writing you this email because I want to tell you about my dreams for the future. I want to be a doctor and have my own hospital. For this, I will have to study...

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