'If not now then when?'
Tikiuos teisingai naudoji šiuos žodžius iki dabar.
Aš tuo nė neabejoju. Tikiu, jog būsi ten, kur nori būti ir tuo,kuo nori būti.
Tavo praeities aš....
It’s Harry styles and I love you
Well you know it’s not Harry but it made you smile did it not?
So what’s up?
I hope you are not as lonely as you were at this moment and I...
Dear Josh,
Before you read this, put on a Johnny Cash Record and get a glass of whiskey. If you don't have a record player, or a stash of whiskey, go out and get one, dammit. I thought I was...
Laurence Nash
Coach Smith
English 3-6
March 29, 2018
A Letter To Myself
When you read this one year from now you will be a completely new person than the one you were last year. You have...
https ://open.spotify.com/track/0MNNKSUU9OOQ8DSGWduw79