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Are you married yet? If not why not? What did you do wrong? If so, and you own a home with a garden... Today; Plant a tree and wait for maturity, once grown read a page of the life diary...

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Dear Jennifer, If you are reading this, and I think you are, then it is somewhere near December 19, 2013. Yeah? Well, this is your past self from April 29, 2013. I hope you are well, and I hope...

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Rašau sau iš praeities. Tikiuosi patekau į "Lietuvos tūkstantmečio vaikus" praejusiais metais sekėsi nekaip taigi tikiuosi kad sikart pasiseke. Dar tikiuosi kad vis dar lankau sporto mokykla....

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Sveiki Žilvinai ir Renata, Sveikinu jus su gimimo diena! Daug jums laimės, sėkmės statant namą, gerų vaikų ir daug šypsenų! Būkit laimingi! Lukas

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hey babu, It’s been four months. Merry Christmas. I hope you’re having a great christmas this year, you can go to our house to celebrate the christmas with us, you’re always welcome here....

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