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Written 2/2019 Mi Nina Hermosa, 8 years!!!! No ya te pasas!!! lol Please give yourself a chance!!!! Sooooo many moments and days and years have passed and you are always missed!!!!!!!!...

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Hey buddy, happy birthday! Hope you have a good one!

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Hi Ed, You are writing this from China in 2012, the British Olympics are about to start. I hope that you have done some of the things that you wanted to do. You better be playing the guitar well...

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Sveika, Pagaliau tau 18!!!!! Tad sveikinu su šiuo gimtadieniu! Linkiu tau laimės, sveikatos, meilės, jeigu dar neturi susirasti gražų čiuvą! NEPAMIRŠK kad esi mylima! Ir dar labiau...

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Avižiukai, keistas dalykas tas laikas. Imi ir niekaip nesupranti, koks jo tėkmės greitis. Mūsų dveji metai pratekėjo greitai. Jie vis dar teka, bet sakyk man, kodėl vis neatsikratau jausmo,...

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