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hey whats up. School is almost here! hope every things going good. now remember be outgoing, confident and do all your work. alllll your work and i mean all. Also talk to people say hi in the...

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Labas, hahahahahhhh

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Labas, Tau vyras tik ka papasakojo apie galimybe parasyti paciai sau laiska i ateiti. Taigi, dabar yra 2011 09 15 22:26: as ir Giedrius sedim ant sofos namie priesais telika, Ugne uzmigdyta ant...

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Hi, it's Brandon, writing on December 10th, 2011, reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My...

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Dear FutureMe, First of All don't forget the LORD always pray and take care to your siblings always look to the past and remember to write this letter again and your Otaku Anime Lover and don't...

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