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Hi, it's me again.... feeling the back pain because of my period and feeling uncomfortable with the situations in life... I think I need to complain less about people especially to other people.....

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Pupu, Pirmą kartą, kai pamačiau tave, nedrįsau žiūrėti tiesiai į akis, bijojau kažką pasakyti netaip – bijojau visko, kas būtų tave atėmę iš manęs... Ir dabar, kai jau...

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i'm here, very happy. with my sweet kids (Ali 5 y.o., Sanam 3.5 y.o.), young and healthy parents (dad 55, and mummy 50 y.o.). With my lovely friends. With my troubls in my work (torsvik)....

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Cam- Hope fully you enjoyed spanish this year. Did you get to use it in the Golapacos. Are you fluent yet? Keep working hard. How has rosetta stone been going. Hope fully I will work...

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Labas Kaip sekasi? kaip mokykla? Turbut viskas gerai nes gavai laiska!!! Kaip egzaminai???

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