I grew up always looking around trying to remember faces, and wondering to myself, will on of these people impact my life someday? Did my future wife just walk by? There's no telling how many times...
سلام رفیق ، چطوری ؟
من دارم اینو برات مینویسم در ساعت یک شب ، فردا امتحان تاریخ دارم ، کامل نخوندم و ب ت مت سل...
You're an amazing person and you're loved by many. Live your life to the fullest and do what makes you happy.
-You know who :)
Hey future self! You'll probably you forgot you wrote this, because i'll probably forget in 5 minutes. You just wrote one of these in English class, filled with a bunch of random stuff. I think you...
Laaaabas !
*Jei skaitai šį laišką, vadinasi vakar Pasaulio pabaigos nebuvo! ;D
Vėlų sekmadienio vakarą (2011-11-20), sušąlusiom kojom, besiklausant „The Debresence-So far...