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Ну что ты там?голова?тебе почти через 3 недели 18 и надеюсь, в свои 20 лет, я надеюсь, что ты счастлива и добилась...

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Hi your 16 and waaaay more mature than u think

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first of all gsto ko ng hi muna sau...hndi ko alm kung mababasa mu itong letter ko pero gsto ko lng malaman mu n hnggang s araw n ito sobrang mhal n mahal prin kita...uo maraming nangyari n hndi...

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Dear Josh, Before you read this, put on a Johnny Cash Record and get a glass of whiskey. If you don't have a record player, or a stash of whiskey, go out and get one, dammit. I thought I was...

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Labas Labai tavęs pasilgau ir toliau galvoju, tik apie tave. Gaila taves nematau, neužuodžiu ir negirdžiu, o trokstu tik to. Žinok jausmai keičiasi, prisiminimai ne. Vien tik todėl, kad...

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