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Martin Jesus Espana Sandoval Villasenor Munoz VIII, By now you are old enough to assume command of the council of michoacan. The other ten families will put up a fight against you at first but...

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11.10.06 Jau tamsu 22:23.Ruduo.Medžiai dar lapuoti,dar nešalta,nors striukę rengiuosi..Dienos keistos ir nuobodžios.Nieko neveikiu nieko nedarau.Daug ko pasiilgstu..birželio ypač.To...

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Hi future self, I am you, writing from the year 2020. Right now we are in quarantine because of covid 19 so we have to stay home so i missed basically a quarter of freshman year. Also, right now...

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hey bitch i'm from the past

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