Šiandien tavo gimtadienis ar ne?
Sveikinu ir sėkmės!!!
Now listen closely. You're free and most likely happier, now that you never have to listen to mr. mann go on about how america is cancer, or Joeys SJW bullshit, or having to wake up at 7:00 every...
I doubt that we will still be at this address in 2020, but Codi. I hope that you somehow see this, be it we are somehow still together, or somehow apart. I hope to marry you in the near future once...
Am, rašau su viltimi, kad pamiršus esi visus sunkumus kuriuos išgyvenu dabar. Tikiuosi skautuose esi pasiekusi daug ir sėkmingai turi savo būrelį skautukų. Jei ne, tuoj pat grįšk, nes tai...
Dear anyone from the future
im in desperate need of help, i have been on dialysis now for about 12 yrs, the year now is 2020, to be exact, 2020-09-01, during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, i...