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Dear Shawn Hey there. This email will probably never meet with your eyes but that's okay. I feel like within the timeframe I've known you I've learnt so much about myself. Knowing you ha...

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Ciao Gloria del futuro, ti scrivo dal passato, precisamente l’8 dicembre 2020. come vanno le cose? spero bene e sono curiosa di sapere cosa mi riserva il futuro, ma non è ancora il momento...

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Sveikas, Rašau tau iš praeities ir sveikinu su 18-uoju gimtadieniu! Pasirašo: Aš iš praeities. 2011-10-30 14:00

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Dear future self, Where ever you are, whoever you are, and whoever you are with, I truly and honestly wish you are happy. Right at this moment, I am not in the best place of my life. I am in a...

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خب سلام خودوم کاکا من یکی دیگم برا چهار پنج سال دیه نوشتم گفتم بزار یکی دیگه هم بنویسم:) من لم دادم روی مبل...

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